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CoDependency and Boundaries: External Dependence What is it? How To Identify Presented by: Bob Davidson, M.Div., M.Ed., LMFT Wendy Galambos, M.A., LPC Ron & Judy Howden - Recovery Leaders Understanding: Understanding the basic concept of codependency is vital to the healing process. It is the key concept in growth that leads you from pain, anger, and depression to the peace of mind, joy and contentment we all so desperately seek. This workshop is designed to help you understand what codependency is, how it contributes to personal and family problems, and how it fuels our addictions. We will discuss childhood pain, what it means to grow up emotionally and psychologically, and what specific things can be done to promote personal healing and mental well-being. Are you an adult child of a dysfunctional family? Come start the healing journey at a three day workshop that will deal with issues of addiction, codependency and boundaries. The workshop will include education, practical individual and group exercises, and group therapy. This workshop will integrate the psychological and spiritual aspects of recovery. Who is Eligible? Anyone suffering as a result of their own excessive behavior or that of someone close to them. This workshop is appropriate for individuals who have become alienated from self, family, church, or God as a result of substance and process addictions like caretaking, controlling, perfectionism, martyring, relationship addiction, smoking, compulsive eating, etc. It is especially helpful to those whose negative habits are on the verge of costing them more than they can lose (their faith, health, vocation, or marriage). The purpose of the workshop is to restore quality of life and enhance personal growth. This workshop is designed for adult children of addiction, abuse and neglect who are experiencing anxiety, dysthymia (mild, chronic depression), or personality and dependency disorders related to trauma and lack of nurturing in childhood. Self-esteem, boundaries, moderation, and healthy self-care are issues addressed in the workshop. Test Yourself:
Do You Have a Problem with Co-Dependent Behavior?
. . . realize that you are not alone. . . . that You can find healing through this process. Registration: Pre-registration is required. Registration closes when full or until one (1) week before date of workshop. Group limited to 12. Times: Sat. 9 am - 9 pm
Register now: 503.601.5400 Registration Form Area Motels |